SL Governor in East sophisticatedly promotes controversial Buddha statue in Ampaa'rai
[TamilNet, Saturday, 29 April 2017, 18:14 GMT]
Eastern Provincial Land Commissioner D.D. Anura Dharmadhasa has come under fire from Tamil-speaking activists in the Eastern Province for his open support to extremist Sinhala Buddhist Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force) through promising to fix 2 acres of lands for the controversial construction of a Buddhist temple at Maayak-kalli-malai in I’rakkaamam division of Ampaa’raid district. In the meantime, Colombo's colonial governor of Eastern Province Justin Fernando, a former defence secretary, has gone on record that he was not aware of the promises made by Provincial Land Commissioner Mr Dharmadhasa. However, informed civil sources in Trincomalee say the SL Governor was in fact supportive of the move to erect Buddha statue at Maayak-kalli-malai.
All the Sinhala officials and deployed by Colombo, from the Governor, Ampaa'rai Government Agent and the Land Commissioner of the East are operating jointly to facilitate the construction of the controversial Buddhist temple at Maayak-kalli-malai, the civil sources further said. Provincial Land Commissioner Anura Dharmadhasa promised the Buddhist monks who took part in a meeting organised by Ampaa'rai Government Agent Thusitha P.Wanigasinghe at the District Secretariat on 25 April. He was also proposing ‘alternative’ lands to the Muslim owner, who had filed a case against the intruding monks. The BBS monks have gone on record stating that no-one could prohibit them from erecting Buddha statues at any location in the island. Sinhala Buddhist monks have stepped up their intrusion at several locations of Tamil-speaking Muslims in Trincomalee and Ampaa'rai districts of the Eastern province in recent weeks. Maayak-kalli hillock is located between a Tamil village, known as Maa’nikka-madu and a Muslim village known as Varip-paddaang-cheanai. Around 150 Tamils also live at the locality.