Indian mission in Jaffna entertains Sinhala monk engaged in controversial Vihara project
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 05 July 2017, 20:47 GMT]
Consul General of India in Jaffna A. Natarajan was visiting the Chief Incumbent monk of Nagadeepa vihara in Naiyinaa-theevu, Navadagala Paduma Kiththi Tissa Thero on Wednesday. The CGI visiting the Sinhala-Buddhist monk at Nayinaatheevu, who is treated by the occupying Sinhala Navy as a commander as standing above the executive SL President, is sending wrong signals to Eezham Tamils and the people of Tamil Nadu State in India, commented Tamil political activists in Jaffna. The extremist monk who doesn't adhere to the civic rule or the provincial council in North has recently recommenced the controversial construction of 67-feet Buddha statue. The visit also comes after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the island on International Vesak Day two months ago.
The Sinhala Buddhist domination and occupation, purely based on mythical claims, is being accelerated at the strategically located Nayinaa-theevu islet, where popular Saiva and Islamic sites of worships have existed for a long time along with a Buddhist temple.
The occupying Navy of genocidal Sri Lanka and the Chief Buddhist monk stationed at Nayinaatheevu are the main proponents behind the Sinhalicisation and Buddhicisation move.
The ultimate aim, as attested by historical precedents, is Tamil Nadu and India. But, New Delhi and its representatives in the island, doesn’t’ seem to be concerned about the Sinhalaicisation and Buddhicisation overriding not only the cultural sensitivities in the islets off Jaffna, but also the southern Tamil Nadu State.
The controversial monk is also feared by SL President Maithiripala Sirisena, who has recently given green signal to recommence the controversial construction of the 67-feet Buddha statue.
Mr A Natarajan was accompanied by his wife and the couple also visited Nayinatheevu Naaka-poosha'ni Amman temple and attended a religious ceremony there.
While the Eezham Tamils were expecting India to at least on her own interests to contain the Sinhalicisation and Buddhicisation being advanced through Sinhala military occupation, the leaders and officials of India have been entertaining the powerful Buddhist monks, sending a wrong signal, Tamil political observers in Jaffna said.
The monk doesn’t respect the rules and regulations of civic bodies in paying taxes of the income generated by the boat service operated by him, they further said.

The location of Nayinaa-theevu, which is now on focus for genocidal ‘Sri Lanka’ Navy-backed Sinhala Buddhicisation in the occupied country of Eezham Tamils. [Satellite Image courtesy: NASA, Visible Earth. Legend by TamilNet]

While the territory under red circles mark the Sinhala military consolidation under Mahinda Rajapaksa seen as ‘pro China’, the coast under yellow circle mark the expansion of the consolidation started by Rajapaksa and continued by Ranil-Maithiri regime viewed as ‘pro USA’. New Delhi continues to have military-to-military relations with genocidal Sinhala military. The ultimate target is land and waters of Tamils in the Indian-Ocean. [Satellite image courtesy- Google Earth. Legend by TamilNet]
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