Colombo to ‘expand’ bird sanctuary to harm territorial-integrity of Tamil homeland

[TamilNet, Monday, 24 July 2017, 17:43 GMT]
The occupying ‘Sri Lanka’ is once again actively engaged in scheming seizure of 36,000 acres of lands in addition to the lands it has already grabbed during the regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa in Chu'ndik-ku'lam in Vadamaraadchi East under the pretext of ‘bird sanctuary’. Another sinister move is now under way under the so-called expansion of Chun'dik-ku'lam Bird Sanctuary into a ‘National Park’ of genocidal ‘Sri Lanka’. The SL Wild Life Department is organising a ‘special meeting’ on 8th August before the seizure is to be officially gazetted, informed civil sources in Jaffna told TamilNet on Monday. In the meantime, the occupying SL military is expanding its military corporatism as well as harbouring the intruding Sinhala fishermen. The SL Navy has been blocking Tamil fishermen from entering the coastal stretch.

Colombo's blueprint for expansion of Chu'ndikku'lam Sanctuary
Colombo's blueprint for expansion of Chu'ndikku'lam Sanctuary into Natual Park [Map courtesy: Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessments (ISEA) - North]

The fishermen association from Vadamaraadchi East has complained that the Tamil fishermen were facing increased harassment from SL Navy in recent times.

But, intruding Sinhala fishermen from South are provided shelter inside the SL military bases and allowed to use environmentally destructive fishing methods along the coast of the sandbar, the fishermen representatives in Vadamaraadchi East said.

The Tamil people who lived for centuries in harmony with the nature and the birds in the locality while maintaining the ecosystem are being refused not only to visit their traditional habitat in Chu'ndik-ku'lam area after the end of genocidal onslaught on Vanni in 2009, but they are also refused to access their historical places of worship including the churches built during the times of Dutch.

Not only the Tamil fishermen, the elderly people and women who use to collect the deadwood from the thickets of Ka'ndal vegetation, are also being chased away by the SL military.

In the meantime, Sinhala tourists enter the area in large numbers with the backing of the same military. The SL Navy is also running ‘tourist’ resorts for southern visitors.

Another map by SL Department of Wildlife Conservation, revealing the extent of Sinhalicisation
Another map by SL Department of Wildlife Conservation, revealing the extent of Sinhalicisation

Western countries, through their ‘environment protection’ programmes, extensively fund the SL State to commit demographic and structural genocide against the nation of Eezham Tamils.

The Northern Provincial Council has been completely side-lined by the SL State in determining the nature of the ecosystem and the bird sanctuary.

Chundikkulam Nature Park [Photo Courtesy: Snappikz Media, Dehiwala]
Chundikkulam Nature Park [Photo Courtesy: Snappikz Media, Dehiwala]

Eezham Tamils were uprooted from the sparsely populated Chu'ndik-ku'lam region during the times of war. The entire stretch was affected by the Tsunami catastrophe in 2004 and all the remaining people had displaced. Later, during the genocidal war on Vanni, the SL military in Jaffna maintained the area almost as a no-go zone. After 2009, the people have been systematically denied access to their residential areas as well as the coastal strip through the deployment of SL military and the SL Wild Life Department.

The Chu'ndik-ku'lam ‘natural park’ expansion also needs to be seen coupled with the Sinhala settlement at Naavatkuzhi.

At Naavat-kuzhi, where the two highways A9 and A32, the only existing land arteries that lead into Jaffna from the south and the western coast, meet, a small Sinhala colony has been already established with SL military guarding the settlement during the regime of Rajapaksa.

The Maithiripala-Wickramasinghe regime in Colombo has gone to the extent of officially allocating a housing scheme to the Sinhala Colony at Naavatkuzhi in recent months.

Sinhala colonisation in Jaffna
Similar to the Vanni war, genocidal Colombo is now hurriedly engaged in a colonisation war against the unarmed and demographically weakened nation of Eezham Tamils. India and USA, which labelled the former as war against terrorism now smokescreen the latter as ‘reconciliation’ and ‘post-war development’. Shown in pink is the targeted area for industrial and fisheries colonisation. The yellow circles are the major SL military colonies. [Map by TamilNet]



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