SL Police blocks memorial monument for 1984 massacre victims in Vanni
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 07 November 2018, 11:04 GMT]
The police of the unitary state of genocidal Sri Lanka, stationed at Oddu-chuddaan has blocked the resettled Tamil families of Othiya-malai village from proceeding with erecting a memorial monument for civilians who were massacred by the occupying Sinhala military in 1984. Only 50 of 110 families living in the village in 1984 managed to resettle after 27 years in 2012. Since then, they use to mark the massacred victims at the Rural Development Society building, where the massacre took place. This year, the families resolved to put up a small memorial monument in remembrance of their loved ones. However, the SL Police has warned the families against erecting the memorial.
The villagers were planning to complete the monument before the 34th remembrance day on 02 December. The SL State is scheming Sinhala colonisation by infra-structurally linking the Tamil village to the Sinhala colony of Gajabhapura and has appropriated 3,000 acres of lands for that purpose. Gajabhapura, one of the agricultural settlements started by Tamils in Manal Aa’ru in the fertile southern part of the Mullaith-theevu, has now been converted into a Sinhala settlement through militarisation. The colonisation scheme is coming under the so-called Mahaweli ‘Development’ programme (System-L).  File photo from the remembrance event marked in front of the RDS site at Othiyamalai in 2016
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