EPDP member killed
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 12 October 1999, 11:05 GMT]
A member of the EPDP, Thambirajah Vinayakamoorthy, alias Vasikan, 38, was shot dead by unidentified armed youth in Akkaraippattu in the Ampara district, around 3.30 p.m. today said police sources.
He was shot dead out side the group's office in Akkaraippattu the sources said. The police blamed the Liberation Tigers for the killing. Vinayakamoorthy was in-charge of the EPDP office at Akkaraippattu sources said.Thambirajah Vinayagamoorthy was a member of the dissolved Alayadivembu Pradeshiya Sabah. His body will be brought to the head office of the EPDP in Karativu tomorrow and the funeral will take place on the same day, EPDP sources said. Meanwhile a Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldier was wounded when the Liberation Tigers fired at a group of soldiers at Kathiraveli, about 75 km. north of Batticaloa, yesterday evening around 6 p.m. said sources. The soldiers who were from the Kathiraveli SLA camp were attacked when they went to drink arrack at a house nearby. The wounded soldier, Prasena Weerakoon, 26, has been admitted to the Polannaruwa hospital SLA sources said. Residents said some villagers were assaulted by the soldiers following the attack. Thambirajah Vinayagamoorthy was a member of the dissolved Alayadivembu Pradesya Sabah. His body will be brought to the head office of the E.P.D.P, Karativu Headquarters on Wednesday and the funeral will take place on the same day, party sources said.