No nomination till afternoon - Jaffna elections official
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 16 December 1997, 23:59 GMT]
Jaffna Kachcheri officials told TamilNet this afternoon that their elections office had not received a single nomination list from any party or group until 12 noon today, the first day of the period stipulated by the commissioner of elections for nominations to the local government polls in Jaffna.
Although seven parties have indicated that they intend contesting the elections no one has announced their lists or their Mayoral candidate for Jaffna municipality until this afternoon. The PA leadership is yet to formally announce whether it is going to take part in the polls or not, despite claims of its branch in Jaffna that it is determined to fight the local government elections at least in the town of Jaffna. Meanwhile, EROS sources said this morning that the EPDP is yet to respond to their proposal for a no-contest pact in the thirteen Pradeshiya Sabhas of the peninsula. The leader of the EPDP, Douglas Devananda is in Jaffna town consulting members of his group and others about the final list. Sources in Jaffna say that he is keen to know about the PA's decision before he files the nominations.
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