TULF to back no-confidence motion
[TamilNet, Sunday, 07 October 2001, 20:39 GMT]
The Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) Sunday unanimously decided to extend its support to the no-confidence motion moved by the main opposition United National Party against the People's Alliance (PA) Government. The TULF further decided to move an amendment to the main no-confidence motion of the UNP which reads "This House declares that it has no confidence in the Government since it is demonstrably clear that it cannot solve the pressing problems of the country and its people".
It was also decided at the central working committee of the TULF held Sunday morning to call upon the main opposition United National Party and all other parties particularly Tamil parliamentarians to extend their support to the amended no-confidence motion.
The amendment proposed by the TULF follows:
"The House further declares that -
"As the Government has failed to grasp the opportunities that became available to bring a cessation of the cruel war and as the continued persecution of the war inflicts immense hardships and sufferings inclusive of loss of lives, rape, sexual assault, indiscriminate arrests and detention and severe humiliation on the Tamil people particularly in the northeast province, plantations and other parts of the country,
"And as also in consequence there of we Tamil people in several parts of the northeast in the areas not under the government control continued to suffer severe deprivation in food, medicine and other basic necessities,
"And as tangible steps to commence negotiations with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in pursuance of the Norwegian initiative to find an acceptable solution of the Tamil national question have not been seriously addressed by the Government,
"And as the peace process does not any longer occupied a position of priority in the agenda of the Government,
"And as the protraction of this dismal situation can only prolong and worsen the hardships, suffering and deprivation of the Tamil people and endanger their physical security and deny their right to live in equality and dignity,
"The TULF expresses its censure and loss of confidence in the government."