Two killed in Nagar Kovil
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 09 October 2001, 10:11 GMT]
Two Sri Lanka army soldiers was killed and at least four were wounded in an engagement with the Liberation Tigers ahead of the Forward Defence Line in Nagar Kovil on Jaffna’s southeastern coast Tuesday morning. The SLA and the LTTE exchanged artillery and mortar fire from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. The Tigers directed mortar fire on the Nagar Kovil SLA garrison and the military radar station in Kottodai.
The SLA fired artillery from its base in Varani towards the LTTE held villages of Sembiyanpattu and Maamunai on the coast south of the Nagar Kovil garrison. The wounded soldiers were taken by ambulance from Nagar Kovil to the military hospital on the SLA Palay base. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka Navy fired in the air to turn back boats fishing off the coast of Munai in Pt. Pedro around 6.30 a.m.