Sinhala division starts functioning in Mullaiththeevu district
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 05:32 GMT]
A Sinhala administrative division, under a Sinhala Asst. Government Agent, has started functioning recently in the Mullaitheevu district. The new division with a toponym ‘Welioya,’ renaming the Tamil Ma’nal-aa’ru, will permanently wedge the demographic contiguity of the northern and eastern provinces of the country of Eezham Tamils occupied by Sri Lanka’s military. The division has been planned in such a way to demographically link the Anuradhapura district of the Sinhala North Central Province with the eastern coast at Kokku’laay, through recently established Sinhala colonies. With accelerated colonisation, soon the division may even pave way for a Sinhala electorate in the Mullaiththeevu district. Meanwhile, talking to Tamil diaspora members recently, the US Asst Secretary of State Robert Blake said that he was unaware of any Sinhala colonisation of Tamil lands in the island.

Shown within the box is the target area of Colombo discussed in the feature

The location of Kokku'laay village and lagoon. [Satellite map courtesy: Google Earth]
Former traditional Tamil villages, Chinnak-ku’lam, Munthirikaik-ku’lam, Akkarai-ve’li, Ilangkai-munai, Karaiyaam-munai and Erigncha-kaadu have been transformed into a Sinhala colony ‘Weli-oya’ in the early 1980s.
The Tamil villages were then renamed into Sinhala, bearing the names of the occupying SL military commanders such as in the example of the place name Janaka-pura. The Sinhala colonies continued since then.
The name ‘Weli-oya’ itself was a Sinhalicized translation of the then prevailing Tamil name Ma’nal-aa’ru. But most of the Sinhalese do not realise that the name Weli-oya itself is of Old Tamil/ Dravidian etymology. The genocidal frenzy is to annihilate the sibling Eezham Tamil identity and its territoriality forever in the island.
Colonial Sri Lanka’s president Mahinda Rajapaksa recently issued an order to convert ‘Weli-oya’ into an administrative division reaching up to the eastern coast so that the division with its recent Sinhala colonies being the majority will become a Sinhala division wedging the contiguity of the Tamil country’s northern and eastern territories up to the very coastline.
Further, the new administrative division will also discourage the continuity of the remaining Tamil villages there. Similar genocidal strategies were long followed in the eastern province in segmenting Tamil contiguity, but this is the first time the north and the east are boldly wedged by an openly official administrative declaration.
Obviously the step is a result of the encouragement given by genocidal Sri Lanka’s partners in New Delhi, by their silent consent to the separation of the north and the east – a breach of the very 13th Amendment New Delhi always pretend to uphold as its solution model to the Eezham Tamils.
* * *A few weeks ago, Colombo has sent an ‘urgent order’ to the Sri Lanka Government Agent for Mullaiththeevu district to immediately implement the functioning of the new Sinhala administrative division, with eight major villages.
Colombo says there are 10,000 people of 2500 households in the new division. 3500 acres of land in the Mullaiththeevu district have been confiscated for the creation of the new Sinhala division.
Along with the recent Sinhala colonies, Colombo plans to include some ancient Tamil villages of the Karaithu’raip-pattu (maritime) division of the Mullaiththeevu district too in the new division so that wedging north and east up to the very coastline will be possible and there would be no direct Tamil communication between Mullaiththeevu and Trincomalee without passing through the Sinhala division.
Ancient Tamil villages, Kumuzha-munai, Pa’l’lan-murippu, Thennaimara-vaadi, karainaaddukk-kea’ni, Kokkuth-thuduvaay and Kokku’laay of the Karaithu’raip-pattu division, bordering the northern and eastern provinces are now going to be annexed and trapped under the new Sinhala division for the annihilation of their Tamil identity.
Speaking to media, the Asst. Government Agent for Karaithu’raip-pattu division of Mullaiththeevu, Mr. C. Dayananda said that it is futile for the Tamil public to protest to the civil officials of the district, as the implementation of the Sinhala division is directly carried out by the SL governor for the north Maj. Gen. Chandrasri and the SL military top brass in the district.
The Sinhala Asst. Government Agent appointed for the new Sinhala division recently reported to the SL Government Agent in Mullaiththuvu, demanding duties to be assigned to him.
* * *The new Sinhala division will be fully benefitted by international assistance given for the north for the resettlement and ‘development’ of war-affected Tamils. The funds will be lavishly channelled for colonising Sinhalese while the Eezham Tamils who have to be resettled in their land will face negligence and discouragement.
This is already visible very much as the Sinhala colony Janakapura is getting all facilities including electricity while the Tamils ‘resettled’ in Kokku’laay live under trees. Many Sinhala families have recently started coming to Mullaiththeevu saying that that are earlier inhabitants or their descendants and they demand lands to be allotted for them in Janakapura.
There is a line of thinking, including in the UNSG report that ‘reparations’ to war-affected Tamils would give them respite and interim solution. But State in Sri Lanka has ways designed to convert even ‘reparations’ to contribute to the genocide of Eezham Tamils.
No solution to the genocide is possible without international intervention upholding the identity and territorial integrity of the nation of Eezham Tamils in the island.
Politics in Tamil Nadu has to take a serious note of its lack of specification in demands to New Delhi from the angle of national question resulting in irreparable post-war structural genocide of the nation of Eezham Tamils, politicians in the north of the island said.
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