Tamil Nadu answering Wigneswaran is answering New Delhi
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 01:27 GMT]
It now becomes increasingly clear that the Wigneswaran-Sumanthiran-Sampanthan trio is bent upon hijacking a peoples’ verdict to serve the agenda of New Delhi and Washington that in turn are bent upon propping the Colombo-centric State in the island and upon absolving the crimes of all the genocidal partners, without conceding anything. Colombo-centric media writers say that the NPC ‘chief minister’ designate Mr C.V. Wigneswaran plans to meet the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Ms Jayalalithaa, on his first foreign visit. Ms Jayalalithaa should not deviate from a resolution, enacted after six hundred thousand people took to streets in Tamil Nadu that provided international space for the independence voice of Eezham Tamils. Tamil Nadu aptly answering Wigneswaran is answering New Delhi, said a Tamil activist for alternative politics in Jaffna.
Further comments from the activist in Jaffna:
Gullible sections of Tamils may wonder why the attack on the TNA. It is not an attack on the TNA but on the hijackers inside it. They are not alone. They have their network prepared for a long time by the masters.
The war was not waged against the LTTE or Pirapaharan because of the so-called ‘terrorism’. It was waged against the independence of Eezham Tamils just because it stood in the way of the geopolitical greed of certain Establishments. They didn’t shun the genocide and they don’t shun the on-going structural genocide either, because Tamils don’t have a State anywhere in the world.
Therefore, there will never be a guarantee that another genocide will not be committed on Tamils, or the present on-going structural genocide will be stopped, unless the State issue is sorted out with international guarantees.
Tamils all over the world has to realize that the struggle has reached a stage of addressing certain Establishments, especially the ones in New Delhi and Washington, than addressing the Agent State in Colombo. If this has not been realized or if it is concealed, then the present day Tamils are historical fools despite their long civilisation.
Among all the Tamils all over the world, Tamil Nadu has the basic capacity to come out with paradigm-setting struggles of popular democratic nature, as the Eezham Tamils in the island are gagged, their voice manipulated by hijack, and the diaspora of part-time activists is equally hijacked or managed by making their leadership to sit on any meaningful struggle. That’s why Wigneswaran chose to direct the seemingly unwarranted attack on Tamil Nadu.
Any response coming from the people of Tamil Nadu in this respect will be highly appreciated not only by Tamils all over the world, but also by the peoples struggling against the designs of the Establishments all over the world.
There is an opinion that Wigneswaran and his ilk in the TNA have to be encouraged by Tamils in steering the course of the struggle in the right way. The best way to encourage a right course of struggle is categorically denouncing the deviating talk of the trio, because encouragement in any other way would be understood and interpreted as endorsement to the hijack course.
Wigneswaran talking about attitudinal change in the South, without internationally recognizable guarantees, is an old story, habitually and routinely retold by every Colombo-centric element after every pogrom since 1958. Even a Sinhala hawker in the Pettah market used to tell the same thing after every pogrom, the Tamil activist for alternative politics commented.
For the edification of the Colombo-centric minds, the activist sent a short story, based on the 1958 Pogrom, written 50 years ago in the early 1960s, by a veteran Eezham Tamil writer, the late Mr Mu. Thalaiyasingam.