Genocide in arsenal of imperial conquests worse than nuclear weapons
[TamilNet, Friday, 07 August 2015, 23:45 GMT]
The easiest and quickest way found by imperialisms in their conquests of today is deployment of the weapon of genocide by taking the side of genocidal ‘majorities’ in the so-called States created by the designs of predecessor imperialisms. The paradigm-setting case in recent times is the plight of the nation of Eezham Tamils and how the Washington-led ‘coalition’, New Delhi and Beijing behaved and are behaving. The paradigm is now applied to the case of Kurds entangled in the West's mobilisation of Turkey and Iran against the Arabs, and in the comparative treatment of the national questions in the colonially created ‘Sri Lanka’ and Myanmar. While a nuclear deal with Iran steals the show, a worse security threat to humanity, i.e., genocide in the arsenal of imperialisms, goes conveniently unnoticed or un-investigated, commented Tamil activists for alternative politics.
US Admiral Dennis C. Blair and a
former Defence minister of Japan, Yuriko Koike, writing last month, show anxiety over any possible electoral loss of the regime installed in Colombo earlier this year.
In denouncing Rajapaksa, both the writers didn’t recognize the roles played by the USA or Japan in ultimately directing whatever Rajapakasa had done until they found him a liability.
The ingenious ‘experiment’ is not merely in conducting a genocide without witnesses, but also in ‘magically’ erasing all traces of it while intensely continuing the structural genocide. Any visitor, including the diaspora visitors, could see it for themselves in the Sinhala military occupied country of Eezham Tamils.
Whether today’s China-supported Rajapaksa or the US bandwagon-supported Srisena-Ranil regime, the genocide-deployment paradigm is the same, unless the national question is going to be recognized and approached in a different way.
The so-called Tamil Marxists, who should be enlightening the masses at this crucial juncture, have gone into the ‘pockets’ of Colombo-centric mobilisations.
If the US-supported regime gets confirmed, even any international investigation on the island getting shelved for the ‘smooth’ continuation of structural genocide, will be the reality.
What one sees practically on the ground tells the truth.
Considering its long-term interests and credibility at least in the immediate neighbourhood, New Delhi should have behaved differently. But its show of getting into the shoes of global imperialists was worse obnoxious.
Rather than getting preoccupied with the elections, individual rat race and deceptive outfits designed from the outside, Eezham Tamils have to intelligently use the times to make a point with far sight in fundamentally changing the paradigm. Otherwise all will be imperceptibly dragged into the vortex of the ‘one and the same game’ played by the ultimate culprits, using different actors.
Those who could address to the face of the paradigm-setters should be the choice of the Tamils.
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