Denial of genocide ‘even-handed’ for EPW writer
[TamilNet, Saturday, 24 October 2015, 23:24 GMT]
Denial of genocide and genocide intent in the long war and on-going structural war in the island, amounts to saying in other words that the war was fought only on the issue of ‘international terrorism’ as the USA and its bandwagon were saying earlier in directing the course of the war. The denial and refusal to even consider investigation on genocidal intent are nothing but completely airbrushing the ethnonational dimensions of the war and even the pogroms preceded that. It is no less a lie than the Rajapaksa lie of ‘zero casualty’ of civilians in the war. But when the fundamental twist comes from the OISL report submitted to the UNHRC that doesn’t recognize even the word Tamil, it becomes consistently ‘even-handed’ for an EPW writer, commented Tamil activists for alternative politics in the island.
The activists were commenting on an ‘evaluation’ of the “Report to the UN Human Rights Council on Sri Lanka,” by Rohini Hensman appeared earlier this month in India’s Mumbai-based, Economic & Political Weekly.
Knowing the past credentials of the writer and her associates in upholding Colombo-centric State in the island to the agenda of the international players, the article uneven in evaluation doesn’t carry any weight.
But what needs scrutiny by India’s intelligentsia and EPW readers outside is the consistency with which the Indian media orchestrates a campaign as they were doing it in hiding the dimensions during the genocidal war, and now stoops down to such a low-level ‘analysis’ in bailing out the genocidal integrity of the State. Whatever regime comes from Colombo that should be supported is the policy.
This consistency of Indian media may help the corporates behind them to enter into the island, but in the long run this is not going to help the peoples in India, in the neighbourhood and the integrity of the Establishment in New Delhi.
The Indian media may try to paint a picture to the outside, but the victimised nation of Eezham Tamils know what they had gone through and what is actually happening on the ground.
Nepal watchers in India, who could see what went wrong, may also be able to see that Colombo would soon follow the eyewash in a worse way to the much larger issue, if the fundamentals are not going to be recognized as fundamentals, but twisted in the name of “opportunity to change discourse.”
Genocide is rather an elite game of power than the involvement or ordinary people.
How long are the Hensmans going to defend the genocidal State by telling the world a cock and bull story that the Rajapaksa campaign to Sinhala masses on SL military ‘saving innocent Tamils’ evidences intention against genocide?
Genocide is not even geopolitics in essence. It is cleverness of a political elite in making use of geopolitics. The Colombo-centric system has time-tested expertise in it. Hensman and EPW can’t pretend naïve, unless they are part of an agenda.
The entire evil stems from not approaching Eezham Tamils as a nation in the island. Accepting their nationhood and accepting the genocidal intent on the part of the Colombo-centric State would have certainly changed the discourse. In their absence, naturally, the non-violent response that should come from Eezham Tamils should be refusal to recognize ‘Sri Lanka’, unless their polity is hijacked.
What the English language media in India consistently proves to non-believers among Tamils is that the question of genocide in the island has long transcended the State in Colombo and has now gone into the hands of the international perpetrators.
* * *The Hensman article, if carefully read, would show that in her anxiety to defend and woo the genocidal State for the international agenda-setters, the Amsterdam educated writer has only exposed the inequities in the OISL report.
For instance, to prove ‘even-handedness’ of the report, she cited the report describing, “how the Sri Lankan armed forces used indirect-fire attacks against the three No-Fire Zones (NFZs) and surrounding areas, causing large-scale civilian casualties due to the lack of accuracy (p 151).”
The EPW article also said that what the OISL report had indirectly suggested is that the LTTE is equally responsible for the large civilian carnage, arguing that “If a soldier is about to shoot an enemy combatant, the enemy seizes an innocent civilian to use as a human shield, and the soldier shoots anyway, killing both the enemy combatant and the civilian hostage, who is responsible for the death of the hostage?”
“One of the most striking features of the report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Investigation on Sri Lanka, 2015 is its consistent effort to be even-handed in its view of Government of Sri Lanka and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam responsibility for atrocities. Significantly, it does not find evidence that the government or its armed forces engaged in genocide, instead, the crimes are described by the report as consistent with war crimes and crimes against humanity,” the EPW writer said.
“Accusations of genocide by LTTE supporters are based on the equation: the Tamil people = the LTTE = Prabhakaran. That would equate the killing of Prabhakaran with genocide, but no one conversant with international law would accept such an equation. Instead, the crimes are described by the report as consistent with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Well-meaning foreigners who echo the genocide charge based on the high death toll at the end of the war ignore the LTTE’s contribution to the carnage,” the EPW article further said.
In fact it is Hensman who equates the national identity of Eezham Tamils to the LTTE in order to “change discourse.”
The genocide and national question of the nation of Eezham Tamils predate and postdate the LTTE.
The EPW article has to be read in full, especially by the non-believers among Tamils on the designs of the global Gods, in order to understand where they are heading for.
* * *The EPW article is just part of a larger global orchestration programme. Some Tamil Nadu INGO players are also fielded into it.
Tamara Kunanayakam, a Rajapaksa regime diplomat, who was engaged in misinforming Latin America on the genocide and national question in the island, recently had a different kind of anxiety about the possibility of international or hybrid investigation coming from Geneva. But Kremlin and Beijing were together with Washington and New Delhi in setting her fears aside.
However, Ms Hensman in the EPW article attacked Ms Kunanayakam “for hiding behind Mahinda Rajapaksa’s anti-West, anti-imperialist façade.”
The OISL-suggested measures were opposed [by Kunanayakam] on the grounds that their objective was “to serve US global interests, while, at the same time, rendering the country dependent on Washington, and, therefore, subservient,” cited Ms Hensman.
The EPW article seeing ‘even-handedness’ in the denial of genocide, wooing the genocidal State, its military and even subtly defending Rajapaksa – all, on the other hand, are obviously impelled by the US global interests, possibly in partnership with the US-infiltrated elements and corporates in India.
Now, who is keeping the nation of Eezham Tamils as ‘hostages’ to get genocidal shots from both sides in the competitive war of the powers, and who is going to investigate it, are the questions.
Ms. Hensman’s henchmen cited in the article are Ahilan Kadirgamar and Arulingam, (who as anticipated by Tamil political observers since Mr. Sumanthiran’s entry into the elections, argued that the voters had rejected both “aggressive, authoritarian Sinhala Buddhist politics” and “aggressive, exclusivist Tamil national politics”), the so-called University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna), whose “unparalleled documentation and analysis” stopped with the genocidal victory of Colombo, WAN, a NGO umbrella, and individuals like Jayantha Dhanapala and Radhika Coomaraswamy of the Colombo breed.
The names of these ‘birds of the same feather’ are only a tip of the iceberg. Hensman says that they “should be officially involved in truth-seeking, institutional change to prevent recurrence, and victim support.”
Well, that’s the power-brokering exercise aimed by the EPW piece. If the capacity of the nation of Eezham Tamils is such, then let it be so. But unfortunately to the actors, the Hensman writing serves only in alerting the nation about their entry at the outset itself.
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