21 Reports

SL military threat against civil organisations reaches serious level in Batticaloa

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 28 February 2017, 22:47 GMT]
The occupying Sinhala military was directly controlling the civil rights of the Eezham Tamils under the previous regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa. But, the SL military under the joint regime of Maithiripala Sirisena and Ranil Wickramasinghe, has chosen much worse forms of controlling the underlying social fabric of Eezham Tamils in the Eastern Province, complain Tamil activists from Rural Development Society (RDS) organisations and women’s rural organisations in Batticaloa district in the East. SL military intelligence, which has gathered details of RDS activists and the details of their families, has been exerting pressure on the activists to operate as its informants. All the RDS organisations in the 14 divisions of Batticaloa district are facing the same threat and harassment from the SL military.
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Tamil protest targets embassies in Colombo, demands ultimatum at Geneva

[TamilNet, Monday, 27 February 2017, 23:02 GMT]
Voice for North-East Enforced Disappeared (VNEED), a recently launched organisaton by the families of persons subjected to enforced disappearance at the hands of the occupying Sinhala military on Monday travelled to Colombo and staged protests outside the embassy of USA, High Commissions of India and the UK, and the UN office in Colombo. Giving more time and space to Sri Lankan State at the Human Rights Council in Geneva will only worsen the structural genocide in the North-East, they said. The international community should realise the futile exercise of expecting results from Colombo through a co-sponsored process, which has gravely failed to de-militarise the North-East since the joint USA-Sri Lanka resolution was passed in September 2015, they said.
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Popular Tamil Eelam singer SG Shanthan passes away

[TamilNet, Sunday, 26 February 2017, 23:08 GMT]
Shanthalingam Gunaratnam (SG Shanthan), the most popular Eezham Tamil singer of songs in the Tamil Eelam liberation struggle so far, has passed away in Jaffna on Sunday at the age of 57 of kidney failure. The singer, known for his unique high-pitch singing of liberation songs, has recorded more than 250 Tamil Eelam songs and at least 350 devotional songs. One of his initial Tamil Eelam songs, “Intha ma'n engka'lin chontha ma'n” (this is our soil) sung 26 years ago, is still used as slogan by the people demanding de-militarisation of the occupied country of Eezham Tamils. Shanthan is gone but his voice will live in the hearts and minds of Eezham Tamils forever.
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Chemical weapon in KLIA and cluster bomb in Vanni

[TamilNet, Saturday, 25 February 2017, 22:20 GMT]
AFP reports on Friday, citing Malaysian Police, indicated that the North Korean leader’s estranged half brother was assassinated at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) with a lethal nerve agent called VX, manufactured for chemical warfare and listed by the UN as a weapon of mass destruction. As the question comes how the chemical weapon came to Malaysia, AFP cited ‘Sri Lankan’ Terrorism Professor Rohan Gunaratna stationed in Singapore saying that North Korea has previously used diplomatic pouches to smuggle items. The IC, its media and terrorism research outfits, miserably failing in international investigation on how the cluster bomb had reached genocidal Sri Lanka and was deployed against Tamil civilian masses herded into a zone in Vanni in a war upheld by a bandwagon, could only make a poor show on the current crime committed at KLIA, commented Tamil political observers.
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Kaaththaankudi Muslims express solidarity with uprooted Keappaa-pulavu Tamils

[TamilNet, Friday, 24 February 2017, 22:25 GMT]
Two Muslim organisations, Kaaththa-nakar Arasiyat Ka'lam (Kaaththaan-kudi Forum of Politics) and the Progressive Council for National Integration, mobilised Muslims in Kaththaan-kudi (Kattankudy) outside Jamiullafireen Jummah Mosque after Friday prayers. “Let us begin afresh from our split-ups” and “Unity brings prosperity” were featured as the main slogans by the organisations. In the meantime, the families of enforced disappeared Tamils in Vavuniyaa in the Northern province resumed their struggle on Friday amidst a section of NGO agents were seeking to pacify the grassroots activists.
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LRC Director narrowly escapes assassination, land disputes in Batticaloa take violent turn

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 22 February 2017, 23:50 GMT]
Batticaloa District Director of Land Reforms Commission (LRC), Wimalarj Nesakumar, a Tamil from Ka'luthaava'lai, was shot and seriously injured by two unidentified men around 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Mr Wimalaraj, who emerged from his residence as unknown men wearing helmets called him by name, was shot at least three times. The attackers intended to kill him, his family told the SL Police. The LRC Director has sustained three gunshot wounds. The terrible incident has taken place at a time when the LRC Director was involved in exposing the nature of land grab in the ‘public lands’ in Ea'raavoor, according to informed civil sources. Some sections were quick to blame Muslims due to the nature of land grab at Eea'raavoor, while others say there could be deeper ‘counter insurgency’ motives behind the timing of the violent act.
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Sinhala military chases 850 Tamil escapees from military slavery in North

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 23:30 GMT]
The occupying Sinhala military of genocidal Sri Lanka has stepped up search operations against Eezham Tamils who have escaped from slavery ’employment’, which was carried out to document that the SL military was also recruiting Tamils in North. Around 1,000 Tamil men and women were deceptively recruited to subservient deployment as technicians, carpenters, painters, flower garden workers, plumbers, farm slaves and as female servants to Sinhala ‘war commanders’ residing inside so-called High Security Zones. These ‘workers’ were put on military's payroll and documented as Tamils serving in the genocidal military. More than 850 of the deceived and victimised males and females have managed to escape from the so-called military deployment. The SL military is now searching for the ‘missing’ slaves.
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Uprooted Keappaa-pulavu families inspire struggling masses in North

[TamilNet, Monday, 20 February 2017, 22:03 GMT]
Uprooted Eezham Tamils in Vanni who have been repeatedly protesting in the past against the genocidal land grab of occupying ‘Sri Lanka’ and got deceived each time either by the regime in Colombo or by the Tamil politicians of the ITAK in the past, are now drawing inspiration from the continuous struggle being waged by the uprooted people of Keappaa-pulavu and Pulak-kudiyiruppu along Nanthik-kadal in Mullaiththeevu. The families of uprooted Tamils in Puthukkudiyiruppu (PTK) in the district have also been on a continuous protest in front of the SL Army base at the heart of PTK. On Monday, landowners at Paravip-paagnchaan in Ki’linochchi resumed their protest demanding their lands that have been seized by the SL military since 2009.
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SL military puts up shoot-at-sight warning inside appropriated Keappaa-pulavu lands

[TamilNet, Friday, 17 February 2017, 23:13 GMT]
The occupying military of genocidal Sri Lanka has put up notice boards threatening the protesting families and the people visiting Keappaa-pulavu not to enter the lands that have been seized from the uprooted families. “This land belongs to the Air Force. Unwarranted entry is prohibited. Those entering unwarranted will be targeted by gunfire,” say the warnings that have been put up inside the lands of uprooted people on Friday. In the meantime, SL Air force personnel have been shooting photos using professional DSLR cameras threatening the visitors expressing solidarity with the protesters. Tamil politicians, except those from the ITAK collaborating with the SL regime, have started to stay overnight with the protesting families as military threats have started to escalate. The families have been staying in front of the SL military base with their children for continuously for 18 days.
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Maithiripala continues to deceive uprooted Tamils from militarized village in Ampaa'rai

[TamilNet, Thursday, 16 February 2017, 22:11 GMT]
38 Tamil families, who have been uprooted from their houses and lands at Kanakar-kiraamam, located 7 km north of Poththuvil in Ampaa'rai district, complain that they are being deceived by the officials coming under SL President Maithiripala Sirisena's Mahaweli Ministry, particularly the Forest Department and the Government Agent in the district. After having seized their lands, putting up a military base for the occupying notorious Special Task Force (STF) and keeping the area as a no-go zone for two decades, the officials of the SL Forest Department say they could only talk to their hierarchy if people submit valid documents of renewed permits. In the meantime, TNA Parliamentarian Kaveendran Kodeeswaran, who came to meet the officials and the people on Wednesday was also proposing to compromise, the uprooted people complain.
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Displaced Muslim women from Puththa'lam express solidarity with Keappa-pulavu families

[TamilNet, Monday, 13 February 2017, 19:26 GMT]
A women-delegation of displaced Muslims, who are living in Puththa'lam since they were evicted from Jaffna, visited Keappa-pulavu on Monday expressing their solidarity with the continuous struggle being waged by Tamil women, who are demanding the Colombo regime to release their lands that have been seized by the occupying SL Air Force. The protest that continuous for the 14th day has also received Sinhala visitors from South and Tamil activists from the Up-Country. In the meantime, Tamils in Batticaloa have staged demonstrations in solidarity with the families of Keappaa-pulavu. In the meantime, another struggle is also gaining momentum at Puthukkudiyiruppu (PTK), where protesters have been demanding their lands back from the occupying SL Army.
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Resettled government servants in Champoor complain of ethnic discrimination

[TamilNet, Sunday, 12 February 2017, 23:07 GMT]
176 public servants, who are among the resettled Eezham Tamils in Champoor, are being systematically discriminated in the provision of governmental and non-governmental assistance for their resettlement after being uprooted from their own lands in Champoor. From Colombo's UNP-influenced administrative hierarchy to the Tamil-speaking Divisional Secretary of Moothoor, the entire administrative mechanism of the unitary state of genocidal Sri Lanka has been operating against the resettled Champoor Tamils. While the structural discrimination has been institutionalized in the ‘Sri Lankan’ system, the officials of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) have also not been able to assist the people cutting the red tape of the anti-Tamil establishment operating against the resettled Tamils in Champoor.
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Uprooted Keappaa-pulavu people continue protest for 11th day

[TamilNet, Saturday, 11 February 2017, 23:01 GMT]
The uprooted people from Keappaa-pulavu and Pilak-kudiyiruppu on Saturday said the SL political and administrative sources have come up with yet another time-buying tactic by stating that their claim has to be re-evaluated. The uprooted families continue to protest for 11 days, putting up temporary huts in front of the camp of the airforce of genocidal Sri Lanka at Keappa-pulavu, which is situated along Nanthik-kadal lagoon in Mullaiththeevu district.
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Occupying Colombo to expand airbase in Jaffna seizing more lands of Eezham Tamils

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 08 February 2017, 23:04 GMT]
1,650 acres of additional lands are to be permanently seized from the uprooted Tamils in Valikaam North to expand the runway of Palaali airport, which has been militarized and used by the three forces of the occupying Sinhala military. The Defence Ministry of genocidal Sri Lanka has sketched out a new plan to expand the runway of the Palaali airport. Earlier, New Delhi has been providing financial assistance to the expansion of the runway and was projecting the assistance as a move to upgrade the airport into an international airport. Later, the scope of the project was limited. The airport continues to be under the direct control of the SL military, which is now planning to proceed with further expansion, informed civil sources in Jaffna District Secretariat told TamilNet on Wednesday.
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Genocidal Colombo to dispatch ex-LTTE members to Geneva for ‘reconciliation’ hoodwink

[TamilNet, Tuesday, 07 February 2017, 22:58 GMT]
SL Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe has instructed the military intelligence of genocidal Sri Lanka to select 20 persons among the 10,000 enslaved former LTTE members, who are employed as slave workers at SL military-run farms, to be dispatched to Geneva in March to confront the Tamil activists at the side-events of the Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva, informed circles in Jaffna said. While the former LTTE members, employed as slave workers under the so-called Civil Security Department (CSD) are being systematically deprived of independent livelihood, the hand-picked ex-LTTE members are being trained to project a positive image of the enslavement as ‘reconciliation’. The Tamil CSD ‘personnel’ have been forced to sing ‘Sri Lanka’ anthem in Sinhala at various events as documented last year at Poonakari on the so-called ‘independence day’.
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Keappaa-pulavu protesters draw solidarity from Tamils, Muslims

[TamilNet, Monday, 06 February 2017, 20:27 GMT]
Tamil and Muslim traders in Mullaiththeevu shut down their shops in Mullaiththeevu town on Monday expressing solidarity with the protesting uprooted Eezham Tamils in Keappaa-pulavu in the district. In the meantime activists and uprooted people from Puthuk-kudiyiruppu (PTK) town laid siege to the Divisional Secretariat on Monday. Students and teachers volunteered to give education to the teenagers and children of the families waging the protest. Temporary huts have been put up for the safety of the protesters. Representatives of Valikaamam North uprooted people were present at Keappaa-pulavu expressing their solidarity with the families waging their struggle for 7th day on Monday.
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UN Human Rights Council misled on ground situation: Head of WRDS in Keappa-pulavu

[TamilNet, Sunday, 05 February 2017, 23:41 GMT]
Amidst poisonous snakes lurking around the protest site in the nights, SL military personnel staging threatening episodes in the dark, the uprooted Eezham Tamil families from Keappaapulavu, including children, have been staging the protest for the sixth day on Sunday in front of the SL Air Force base at Keappaa-pulavu, situated along the lagoon of Nanthik-kadal in Mullaiththeevu. The Head of Women’s Rural Development Society in Keappaa-pulavu Ms S Chandraleela told TamilNet that the people have gone tired of several false promises in the last 8 years and are not prepared to abandon their protest without seeing a solution. In the meantime, Colombo has managed to wage a false propaganda before Geneva sessions, as usual prior to every session in Geneva, that lands were being released back to the people in the occupied country of Eezham Tamils.
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Tamil protests in North strengthen on February 04 Black Day

[TamilNet, Saturday, 04 February 2017, 18:36 GMT]
The occupying Colombo was staging a parade for the first time in front of Jaffna District Secretariat to mark the so-called independence day of genocidal Sri Lanka in Jaffna this year. NPC Councillors M.K. Shivajilingam and Ananthy Sasitharan organised a protest with the participation of fellow struggle-centric NPC councillors, civic members and families of enforced-disappeared after 18 May 2009. The SL Police came with a stay order from Jaffna Magistrate S. Satheestharan, who had written in Tamil that the stay order was about a protest disturbing the public on A9 Road. However, the protest went ahead as planned, 300 meters away from the District Secretariat. The Tamil public in North and East refused to celebrate the so-called Independence Day and have proclaimed through various protests that February 04 will continue to remain a Black Day as far as the Tamils are concerned.
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Uprooted families in PTK join de-militarisation struggle, mark February 04 as Black Day

[TamilNet, Friday, 03 February 2017, 21:08 GMT]
The 682 Brigade of the occupying Army of genocidal Sri Lanka has stationed at the heart of Puthuk-kudiyiruppu town since 2009 in the lands seized from 49 Eezham Tamil families. The protests organised by the landowners in the past 5 years addressing three Divisional Secretariats in the past have gone on deaf ears. Tamil parliamentarians came and asked the people to wait. Finally, the matter was taken up at a District Coordinating Committee meeting last year. SL Minister Rishad Bathiyutheen was present at the meeting and asked three more months time to secure a positive response from the SL President Sirisena, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the SL military. But, more than 6 months have elapsed since the promised deadline. Nothing has happened. The families have taken to the streets proclaiming the so-called ‘independence’ day of genocidal Sri Lanka on February 04 as a Black Day.
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Ranil Wickramasinghe schemes next phase of structural genocide of Trincomalee

[TamilNet, Thursday, 02 February 2017, 22:23 GMT]
The Coast Conservation Department (CCD), SL Archaeology Department, SL Tourism Board and the Ministry of Defence of the genocidal State of Sri Lanka are being tightly coordinated by certain foreign-relations involved ministers and officials in Colombo to demarcate a large tract of land to the west of Cheenan-kudaa (China Bay), which is to be leased out to a foreign country, informed civil sources in Trincomalee told TamilNet on Thursday. In the meantime, SL Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe is trying to create competition between India and China to strike a trade agreement involving the occupied capital of the nation of Eezham Tamils. Lands with varieties of Ka’ndal mangroves up to 2 km in distance from the coastline of China Bay are to be leased out in the first phase, the sources say.
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Uprooted Ezham Tamil women confront structural genocide in Mullaiththeevu

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 01 February 2017, 23:22 GMT]
The uprooted Eezham Tamil families from Keappaa-pulavu in Mullaiththeevu have blamed the SL military of genocidal Sri Lanka for deploying all the mechanisms of the unitary State in Colombo to deprive them their lands. After a series of protests, SL President Maithiripala Sirisena was supposed to release 234 acres of lands in January as a temporary measure to contain the struggle of the uprooted people. But, only 142 acres are to be released, the people say. That too, not from the coastal and agricultural side along the Nanthik-kadal. The SL Air Force has stationed itself in the fertile lands. SL Forest Department was trying to add confusion by claiming the lands as coming under its purview. The Forest Department falls under Mahaweli Ministry, which is being run by none other than Mr Maithiripala.
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